Goodfluencer NFT distributing royalties as donations

Celebrate influential figures while supporting charitable causes

2 min readApr 23, 2023


First published on my blog in Ideas on Social Finance.

“Goodfluencer” is a platform that offers 100 unique 32-bit pixel graphics of individuals who have positively impacted the world. These graphics are sold as NFTs, and a royalty model distributes 20% of each trade’s proceeds to support charitable causes, such as social aid, poverty, and other global issues.

Core Features:

  1. Unique 32-bit pixel graphics of influential figures.
  2. NFTs that can be bought and sold on the platform.
  3. A royalty model that distributes 20% of each trade’s proceeds to charitable causes.

Value Proposition:

  1. Celebrate the legacy of influential figures who have positively impacted the world.
  2. Support charitable causes that help make the world a better place.
  3. Own a unique piece of digital art that represents an important historical figure.

Why Now:

In today’s world, there is a growing interest in NFTs and digital art, and people are looking for ways to make a positive impact. “Goodfluencer” offers a way to combine these interests and make a meaningful contribution to society.


“Goodfluencer” offers a unique and innovative way to celebrate influential figures while supporting charitable causes. By buying and selling NFTs on the platform, users can own a piece of history while making a positive impact on the world.




Ben is a product strategist and designer experienced working with company builders and venture studios. He's based in Berlin.